- A tutorial. Trello tribute with Phoenix and React
- Phoenix cheatsheet
- Phoenix Channels vs Rails Action Cable
- Counter Caching in Phoenix
- Elixir Maintainability
- Elixir ETS Versus Redis
- Building and testing a Phoenix JSON API
- Mixins in Elixir
- KISS by Example: Authorization in Phoenix
- Dynamic forms with Phoenix
- Use, import, require, what do they mean in Elixir?
- Online Elixir School
- Elixir and IO Lists
- Visualisation of Elixir Supervision Tree Strategies
- Anatomy of an Elixir Process
- Elixir for Rubyists: Pattern matching and Recursion
- What I learned migrating a Rails app to Elixir/Phoenix
- Coherence and ExAdmin - Devise and ActiveAdmin for Phoenix
- Training Elixir Processes To Learn Like Neurons
- Elixir - different kind of promises (2017)
- The Missing Guide To Elixir
- Cheating at Railway Oriented Programming in Elixir
- What if Elixir were Homoiconic?
- ElixirScript - Elixir compiles to JavaScript
- Format Your Elixir Code Now
- 5 reasons you should use Phoenix instead of Rails in your next project (2017)
- HTTP is message passing Or - Why I stopped using Plug
- Elm, Elixir, and Phoenix: Reflecting on a Functional Full-Stack Project
- Shake Before Use: 3 Things to Consider When Hosting Elixir
- When to use Elixir language? (2018)
- Why did José Valim create Elixir?